The exam space will be available from 2022.02.25 17:00 to 2022.02.25 18:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.07 09:00 to 2022.02.07 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.10 10:00 to 2022.02.10 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.11.30 18:00 to 2022.11.30 19:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 13:00 to 2022.02.03 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.01 17:00 to 2022.02.01 18:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.11 13:00 to 2022.02.11 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 10:00 to 2022.02.03 12:00
Exam additional informations
Egzamin, 50 minut, 40 pytań, wybór wielokrotny, dowolne podejście - 1.
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.08 10:00 to 2022.02.08 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 10:00 to 2022.02.03 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.09 09:00 to 2022.02.09 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.09 09:00 to 2022.02.09 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 11:00 to 2022.02.03 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.04 12:00 to 2022.02.04 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.11 08:00 to 2022.02.11 09:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.02 12:00 to 2022.02.02 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.25 15:00 to 2022.02.25 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.03.04 13:00 to 2022.03.04 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.02 10:00 to 2022.02.02 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.07 19:00 to 2022.02.07 20:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 13:00 to 2022.02.03 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.01 12:00 to 2022.02.01 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.01.29 10:00 to 2022.01.29 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.02 18:00 to 2022.02.02 19:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 13:00 to 2022.02.03 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.04 09:00 to 2022.02.04 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.09 12:00 to 2022.02.09 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.04 11:00 to 2022.02.04 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.03 13:00 to 2022.02.03 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.12.21 08:00 to 2021.12.21 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.11 15:00 to 2022.02.11 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.07 16:00 to 2022.02.07 19:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.01 12:00 to 2022.02.01 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.02 13:00 to 2022.02.02 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.05 10:00 to 2022.02.05 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.02 10:00 to 2022.02.02 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.13 12:00 to 2022.02.13 14:00
Exam additional informations
Egzamin dla studentów kierunku bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne I stopnia, zaoczne, przedmiot "Podstawy wiedzy o prawie". Semestr zimowy 2021/2022.
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.10 13:00 to 2022.02.10 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.12 08:00 to 2022.02.12 09:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.11 12:00 to 2022.02.11 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.07 09:00 to 2022.02.07 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.03.01 10:00 to 2022.03.01 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.08 15:00 to 2022.02.08 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2022.02.25 09:00 to 2022.02.25 10:00