The exam space will be available from 2021.09.09 11:00 to 2021.09.09 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.09 11:00 to 2021.09.09 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.10 10:00 to 2021.09.10 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.09 10:00 to 2021.09.09 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.06 15:00 to 2021.09.06 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.08.30 10:00 to 2021.08.30 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.08.31 13:00 to 2021.08.31 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.17 14:00 to 2021.09.17 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.02 10:00 to 2021.09.02 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.08 11:00 to 2021.09.08 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.07.02 13:00 to 2021.07.02 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.29 17:00 to 2021.06.29 19:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.02 08:00 to 2021.09.02 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.08 10:00 to 2021.09.08 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.07.01 10:00 to 2021.07.01 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.30 10:00 to 2021.06.30 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 10:00 to 2021.06.21 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.09.03 08:00 to 2021.09.03 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 17:00 to 2021.06.16 20:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.15 17:00 to 2021.06.15 20:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 09:00 to 2021.06.16 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 13:00 to 2021.06.18 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.17 13:00 to 2021.06.17 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 18:00 to 2021.06.18 19:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 10:00 to 2021.06.22 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.10 10:00 to 2021.06.10 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 11:00 to 2021.06.09 14:00
Exam additional informations
Egzamin z Biogeografii rozpoczyna się o godzinie 11:45. Na rozwiązanie egzaminu przewidziane jest maksymalnie 80 minut. Czas na rozwiązanie zacznie być odliczany w momencie kliknięcia na „Spróbuj teraz rozwiązać test” a następnie „Rozpocznij próbę”, jednak dla wszystkich osób egzamin zakończy się nie później niż o godzinie 13:15.
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 17:00 to 2021.06.22 19:00
Exam additional informations
Egzamin jest 22 czerwca o godzinie 17.30. Trwa do 19.00
Odpowiedzi w formie opisowej.
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.11 09:00 to 2021.06.11 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 14:00 to 2021.06.16 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.28 10:00 to 2021.06.28 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.25 14:00 to 2021.06.25 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.05.28 11:00 to 2021.05.28 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 13:00 to 2021.06.18 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.28 10:00 to 2021.06.28 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.24 16:00 to 2021.06.24 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.25 14:00 to 2021.06.25 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.23 11:00 to 2021.06.23 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.24 08:00 to 2021.06.24 09:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 14:00 to 2021.06.09 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 10:00 to 2021.06.09 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 12:00 to 2021.06.21 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.11 10:00 to 2021.06.11 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.19 11:00 to 2021.06.19 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.17 13:00 to 2021.06.17 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 08:00 to 2021.06.16 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.15 15:00 to 2021.06.15 18:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 13:00 to 2021.06.09 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 13:00 to 2021.06.09 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.05.18 10:00 to 2021.05.18 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.05.17 10:00 to 2021.05.17 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.05.16 10:00 to 2021.05.16 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.05.17 10:00 to 2021.05.17 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.08 09:00 to 2021.06.08 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 12:00 to 2021.06.16 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 09:00 to 2021.06.22 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 09:00 to 2021.06.22 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.01 11:00 to 2021.06.01 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.23 10:00 to 2021.06.23 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.24 10:00 to 2021.06.24 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.29 12:00 to 2021.06.29 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 08:00 to 2021.06.21 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.09 14:00 to 2021.06.09 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.17 13:00 to 2021.06.17 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 10:00 to 2021.06.16 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.10 09:00 to 2021.06.10 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.08 13:00 to 2021.06.08 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 10:00 to 2021.06.18 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.17 11:00 to 2021.06.17 15:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 12:00 to 2021.06.18 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 16:00 to 2021.06.16 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 14:00 to 2021.06.22 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.22 09:00 to 2021.06.22 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.27 10:00 to 2021.04.27 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.08 10:00 to 2021.06.08 11:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 09:00 to 2021.06.18 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.18 09:00 to 2021.06.18 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 16:00 to 2021.06.16 18:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 16:00 to 2021.06.16 18:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 12:00 to 2021.06.21 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 12:00 to 2021.06.21 14:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.16 10:00 to 2021.06.16 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 10:00 to 2021.06.21 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.07 14:00 to 2021.06.07 16:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.21 09:00 to 2021.04.21 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.21 09:00 to 2021.04.21 10:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.24 10:00 to 2021.04.24 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.25 10:00 to 2021.06.25 12:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.06.21 10:00 to 2021.06.21 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.16 14:00 to 2021.04.16 17:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.16 10:00 to 2021.04.16 13:00
The exam space will be available from 2021.04.13 11:00 to 2021.04.13 12:00